10. Sleeping in! Now that the kiddos are older I don’t have to get up at 5 to enjoy some quiet time to myself.
9. Sandles/Flip Flops/Bare Feet = Less socks to wash and sort!
8. Kids play outside more = a cleaner house inside!
7. Kids eat snacks and lunch outside = see #8
6. Being able to just walk out the door when it’s time to go without having to first locate all hats and gloves then spend 15 minutes bundling up everyone.
5. Not making lunches!! Even better this summer I’m putting the three oldest in charge of lunch making and cleanup. (insert heavenly Hallelujah here)
4. More time for reading – this goes for both mom and kids. About 4 months ago I grounded myself from all fiction until summer because I have a serious lack of self control. Once I start a book I neglect my children, my home and my own personal hygiene for 36-48 hours until I finish.
3. No more carpool!!! My heart goes pitter patter at just the thought of not having to sit in the parking lot from 3:10 (when HCA ends) until 3:50 (when Prairie Ridge ends) five days a week with 6 kids.
2. More time for exercise, Bible study, prayer, blogging! See #10
And the number one reasons moms love summer break? Spending more time with our kids! We have lots of fun plans for the summer. (more on that later)
We are counting down the days here until summer break. Especially now that the pool is up, the days are longer, and the weather is warmer. Every day Jacob wakes up and says “Is today my last day of school?” Lucky for him he’s the first to be done on May 31st.
(Stay tuned for my August post on the Top Ten Reasons Moms Love Back to School Time!)