It has already been 2 weeks since the first day of school. It took me a week to get Ben’s picture, I finally remembered to take my camera to school and the battery was dead, ugh. So a few weeks late here are the official pics.
Ben was determined to make his pirate face for his picture. The strip on his desk is his beloved schedule or “list”. His favorite part of school is Art, Music, and the stations in his classroom. He loves the sensory station. I absolutely love his teacher!
Ben was not cooperating and had no interest in getting his picture taken. I love Jacob’s face. He really wasn’t as sad as he looks.
- Hannah – 7th grade. She was so nervous! She started changing classes every hour but quickly got the hang of it. She started an Art class at Southwest Michigan Artist Association and “loves, loves, loves” it! She is still playing flute in the band. (with some um, encouragement from mom)
- Rachel – 6th grade Rachel is playing volleyball and continues to play the clarinet in the band.
- Joe 4th grade – He is very excited to be in the big building with the girls. Taking a little longer for him to accept that summer is over.
- Jacob – Kindergarten He is excited to be in a new school but really would rather hang out at home in his Mario costume.
This year has been a big adjustment for me. I currently have 4 houses (adding 1 more in October) that I’m cleaning and I started all 4 the first week of school. We went from our nice relaxing summer break to school, carpool lines, volleyball practice, football practice, youth group, 4H and me working. The first week I just wanted to hop in my bed and pull the covers over my head! I am so thankful for the cleaning jobs that I have so that I can be part time. I can’t imagine keeping up with everything and working full time. I’ve had to be a lot more purposeful with meal planning, shopping trips and I’m currently looking for a personal assistant to help me keep everyone’s schedules straight. Ha! Actually I started putting everyone’s activities in my ipod and setting an alarm to remind me of them. That’s about as close as I’m going to get to a P.A..
On the days I don’t clean it has been nice to have a few hours to get something done, uninterrupted. As nice as it is though, I miss my kids and I’m sad that the years are going by so fast.